シンポジウム Symposium


International Intellectual Property & Industrial Security Conference

日 時 2017年5月17日(水)、5月18日(木)
場 所 Westin ChosunHotel Grand Ballroom,Seoul
Host 韓国特許庁、ファイナンシャル・ニュース (The financial news)
Supervisor Korea Intellectual Property Society,
Korea Intellectual Property Protection Agency
言 語 英語
●Fourth industrial revolution “Intellectual property strategy”
●Fourth industrial revolution “Intellectual property security”
●Welcoming Remark
Yun, Sun Hee Chairman, Korea Intellectual Property Society

●Congratulatory Remarks
 Jeong, Kab Yoon Member of Liberty Korea Party,
         National Assembly
 Park, Jeong Member of The Minjoo Party, National Assembly,
 Kimiaki Suzuki Executive Secretary,
         Intellectual Property Association of Japan

●Session 1. Competition Standards to Maintain the Order of Economic Competition
Keynote Speech:
 Kwon, Oh Seung Emeritus Professor, Seoul National University
 Tsuyoshi Ikeda Antitrust Counsel, Mori Hamada & Matsumoto
 Wang Xiaoye Professor, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
 Jong, Sang Jo Professor, Seoul National University

●Session 2. The Significance and Limitation of the Executive rights Granted to the Patent
 Jung, Cha Ho Professor, SungKyunKwan University
 Masabumi Suzuki Professor, Nagoya University
            Graduate School of Law
Panel Discussion:
 Cho, Yong Sig Managing Partner, Darae Law & IP Firm
 Ahn, Hyo Jil Professor, Korea University
 Choi, Sung Jai Professor, Sejong University
 Seul, Min Soo Presiding Judge, Seoul Central District Court
 Lee, Chang Hoon Partner, AJU Kim Chang Lee Patent & Law Firm

●Session 3. Development and Prospect of Qualcomm Case
 John Jiang Senior Counsel, Zhonglun Law Firm
 Lee, Ho Yeong Professor, Hanyang University

Panel Discussion
 Lee, Sang Jeong Emeritus Professor, Kyunghee University
 Hong, Dae Sik Professor, Sogang University
 Park, Sung Bom Partner, Yulchon LLC
 Kang, Sang Duk Partner, Bareun Law LLC
 Park, Young Kyu Professor, Myongji University

●Closing Ceremony
 Choi, Gong Eung Chairman Emeritus,
        Korea Intellectual Property Society

