Intellectual property management has become one of the key focuses of today’s corporations. As the following out of manufacturing companies continues, it is now inevitable for corporate management, despite the type of industry, to shift its weight from tangible goods to intangible assets of intellectual property.
Notably, companies pioneering in the rapidly changing advanced technologies will be greatly influenced by the way they handle these intellectual property issues. It is therefore extremely important for corporate managers, who desire to predict tomorrow’s changes and to benefit from their intellectual properties, to participate in the most advanced studies of intellectual property strategies and systems.
The application of corporate-borne knowledge, the countermeasures against Euro/US strategies, and the protection of intellectual property on foreign soil-these are some of the areas in which intellectual property strategies need to be improved. Furthermore, it would not be an exaggeration to say that there is a strong demand for a research venue for intellectual property studies, where business models can be created to lead intellectual property management to success.
To promote intellectual studies that will meet such needs, the Intellectual Property Association of Japan (IPAJ) was founded in October 2002 (and later incorporated in August 2006) by researchers who were the creators of intellectual property, and corporate managers who were their main users. As it can be seen from the organization’s scheme, members from a broad range of intellectual property fields were brought together to facilitate the research activities in interdisciplinary studies, such as science and technology, management, law, and economics.
By taking part in IPAJ’s research activities, you can acquire the knowledge that will help your company adapt to an ever-changing intellectual property environment. Whoever is interested in intellectual property is welcome to join us at IPAJ.
Listed below are some of the topics that are deeply related to the corporate activities we are planning to research.
<President> Toshiya WATANABE (Professor, UTokyo Institute for Future Initiatives) <Vice President> Takeshi UENO (Executive Managing Director, Japan Intellectual Property Association) Hiroshi OHASHI (Professor, Graduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics, The University of Tokyo) Masakazu KUBO (Representative Director and President, SHOGAKUKAN-MUSIC & DIGITAL ENTERTAINMENT CO., LTD.) Tomohiro SAKAMOTO(President, SAKAMOTO AND PARTNERS) Masahiro HASHIMOTO (Professor, Hosei Graduate School of Regional Policy Design) <Directors> Yuki AOYAMA (Founder & CEO, Splink, inc.) Setsuko ASAMI (Visiting Professor, Meiji University Graduate School of Law) Daisuke KANAMA (Professor, Faculty of Transdisciplinary Sciences, Institute of Philosophy in Interdisciplinary Sciences, Kanazawa University) Tomohisa KIMURA(Professor/Director, Center for General Education, Teikyo University) Masahiro SAMEJIMA (Partner, Attorney at Law/Patent Attorney, Uchida & Samejima Law Firm) Kazunari SUGIMITSU (Professor ,K.I.T. Toranomon Graduate School of Innovation Management / Executive Director, Association of Intellectual Property Education) Hirofumi TATSUMOTO (Professor, Graduate School of Business Sciences, University of Tsukuba) Shigeki CHAEN (Professor, Osaka University Law School) Reiko TOYOSAKI (Patent Attorney, Toyosaki & Associates) Maiko HIRAI (Patent Attorney,Intellectual Property Coordinator, Office of Research Development and Sponsored Projects, Keio University) Mieko MIO (Attorney at Law/General Manager, Office of IP,The Division of University Corporate Relations,The University of Tokyo) Yuki YATO (Senior Innovation Manager, Executive Office, Sony Intellectual Property Services Corporation) Shigemi YONEYAMA (Professor, Faculty of Economics and Management, Gakushuin University) Eriko WATANABE (Professor, Graduate School of Infomatics and Engineering, The University of Electro-Communications) < Auditors> Yoshinori KOMIYA (Executive Fellow, IHI Corporation) |