JAPAJ (Journal)

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Submission Rules for JIPAJ

Journal of Intellectual Property Association of Japan

The Journal of Intellectual Property Association of Japan (JIPAJ) is a peer-reviewed journal. Those who are interested in publishing their papers in the JIPAJ journal are required to follow the following rules.

* Submission Rules(PDF)
English Japanese
* An application (PDF)
English Japanese
* An application
English Japanese
1. Procedures

The author of a manuscript has to send his/her manuscript via e-mail to the IPAJ Administration Office along with following documents:
 a) A copy of the application form, and
 b) A copy of a manuscript for publication in MS Word format
   and PDF format.

2. IPAJ Administration Office
E-mail address:
※ The subject line should read: “Manuscript Submission Enclosed”
3. Access on the Web
Your paper will be accessed at the web page of the JIPAJ Homepage.
JIPAJ Homepage
4. Inquiry
For any question, e-mail to: