日本知財学会誌 第19巻第3号掲載
Changes and Prospects of Intellectual Property Management in Universities
鈴木 睦昭, 岡野 恵子, 松村 啓, 原田 隆,
寺内 伊久郎, 武田 泉穂, 吉田 正義, 三尾 美枝子
Mutsuaki Suzuki, Keiko Okano, Hajime Matsumura, Takashi Harada
Ikuo Terauchi, Mizuho Takeda, Tadanori Yoshida, Mieko Mio
日本知財学会誌Vol.19 No.3 p.37-48 (2023-3-20)
Journal of Intellectual Property Association of Japan Vol.19 No.3 p.37-48 (2023-3-20)
2002年の知財立国宣言から 20年,大学は,知財部門や産学連携部門の設置,法人化,地域連携の強化,大学発ベンチャーの創出,URA の配置を含む研究大学強化促進事業などを経て,イノベーションを生み出すシステムの構築を進めてきた.その中で,大学における知財の在り方も大きく変化している(文科省HP : 大学等における産学官連携),経産省HP : 産学官連携の系譜).
本稿では,「大学」「スタートアップ企業」「弁理士」の 3つの立場からこの20年を振り返り,我々が何を目指し,何を達成できた/ できなかったのか,どんな方向転換があったのかを,事例を挙げながら分析・考察した.これにより,大学から生まれる知財の活用や知財戦略の進むべき方向を考察した.
In the 20 years since the declaration of Japan as an intellectual property
powerhouse in 2002, universities have been building a system to generate
innovation through the establishment of intellectual property and industry
university collaboration divisions, incorporation, strengthening of regional
collaboration, creation of university-launched ventures, and projects to
promote strengthening research universities, including the assignment of
URAs. In the process, the state of intellectual property at universities
has also changed significantly.
In the midst of an unstable global situation due to changes in geopolitical trends and the increasing need for risk management in areas such as economic security, 2022 has been positioned as the “first year of startup creation,” and full-fledged university-initiated innovation creation is required.
This report looks back over the past 20 years from the three perspectives
of “universities,” “startup companies,”and “patent attorneys,” and analyzes
and discusses what we aimed for, what we were able to achieve/not able
to achieve, and what changes in direction have occurred, citing examples. This
will help us to make the best use of intellectual property generated by
the university. We will propose the direction in which intellectual property
strategies should go.
産学連携, 知財戦略, 知財マネジメント, スタートアップ事業
Industry-academia collaboration, IP strategy, IP management, start-up