学会誌・資料 Journal

日本知財学会誌 第14巻第3号掲載

A Study on Dilution of Senior Trademark

西村 雅子
Masako Nishimura

日本知財学会誌Vol.14 No.3 p.7-14 (2018-3-20)
Journal of Intellectual Property Association of Japan Vol.14 No.3 p.7-14 (2018-3-20)

While securing the use of a junior mark with large business confidence is mainly for protecting its private interest, from the viewpoint of protecting the public interest of protecting consumers, it is necessary to prevent consumers' misidentification and confusion. Further, from the viewpoint of "industrial development" which is the purpose of the Trademark Law as well as the Patent Law etc., it is also necessary to consider protection of use of trademarks (especially of small and medium enterprises) with possibilities to contribute to the Japanese economy in future, in addition to protection of current use of trademarks. From these viewpoints, I believe there is a need to prevent trademarks other than well-known marks from being diluted.
In this paper, from the above problem consciousness, by examining court cases on judgment of similarity with junior marks, I consider the possibility of preventing the dilution of senior marks which are difficult to establish well-knownness.

Trademark, Dilution, Judgment of Similarity, Senior Mark, Junior Mark