学会誌・資料 Journal

日本知財学会誌 第11巻第1号掲載

Current Status and Issues on the Compulsory License System for Exploitation of Orphan Works in Japan

今村 哲也
Tetsuya Imamura

日本知財学会誌 Vol.11 No.1 p.58-77 (2014-9-20)
Journal of Intellectual Property Association of Japan Vol.11 No.1 p.58-77 (2014-9-20)

In late years, the exploitation of copyrighted works whose owners are difficult or even impossible to locate is an issue common to many countries. These works are described as “orphan works” internationally. To ascertain the seriousness of the problem, this article first introduces existing several surveys on orphan works conducted by archives in some countries and make an analysis of them. The study finds that certain legal measure is required to mitigate the adverse effects of the copyright term extension as it deteriorates the orphan works problem. Subsequently, the paper reveals the past record of the operation of Japanese compulsory license system for orphan works and then examines that; whether the system has been properly operated as a scheme of licensing for normal orphan works and that; whether the system is a reasonable tool of rights clearance scheme for mass digitization of orphan works in archive projects. With regard to latter issue, this article suggests to take the factor of term from publication of each orphan works into the requirement of “diligent search” so as to ease the requirements of the procedure as a matter of practice.

copyright, orphan works, compulsory license, digital archive, mass digitization