学会誌・資料 Journal

日本知財学会誌 第19巻第1号掲載

Value Creation Model for Biotech firms Based on Technology Platform
- A Case Study of PeptiDream ─

川田 弥生, 伊波 興一朗, 原田 佳実, 仙石 慎太郎
Yayoi Kawata, Koichiro Iha, Yoshimi Harada, Shintaro Sengoku

日本知財学会誌Vol.19 No.1 p.58-73 (2022-10-20)
Journal of Intellectual Property Association of Japan Vol.19 No.1 p.58-73 (2022-10-20)

As a driver of open innovation in the pharmaceutical industry, the presence of drug discovery biotech startup firms has been increasing internationally. On the other hand, biotech firms are facing a number of challenges in creating innovative new drugs and achieving sustainable growth, including the uncertainty of pharmaceutical research and development (R&D) as well as constraints in acquiring human and finance resources. The objective of this study is to propose a model for biotech firms to create value of business in Japan based on a case study approach. As a result, the following key factors were extracted : a staged business strategy to establish and utilize drug discovery platform technologies, the formation of an intellectual property portfolio that maximizes the value of the platform technologies.

オープンイノベーション, バイオテック企業, プラットフォーム技術, 特許ポートフォリオ
Open innovation, Biotech firms, Platform technology, Intellectual property portfolio